I am officially 3 days late for this post, but I just wanted to say Happy New Year! To all my dear subscribers and new readers alike, I hope you all had a lovely holiday and a great start to 2024 thus far. I myself had a great Christmas break (got the entire week off from work, woo!) spending time with family and a fun New Year’s celebration with friends.

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is how I pay attention to New Year resolutions much more than before. As a kid, it seemed more like an art project – for me at the time, I cared more about how pretty I made my drawings and my list. But now that I’ve reached my mid-20s, the start of each new year seems like a fresh opportunity to create attainable goals and things to look forward to. And today, I feel like sharing some of my resolutions with you all!

Of course, it goes without saying that practicing healthy habits is on the list. More exercise, healthy eating, and better sleep are all being targeted in 2024! I got an Apple Watch this Christmas, so I’m hoping it will make a difference and help me better track my goals. 🙂

Okay, but onto the more interesting stuff. One major goal on my list this year is to read more. That’s right, for 2024, I really want to put the screen down more often to pick up a good book and lose myself in a story. As an English major, a blog writer, and a content writer, it kind of goes without saying that writing is my passion – but to be honest, that all started thanks to my love of reading. I used to read SO much, but for some reason, over the past couple of years, I’ve just kind of stopped. I’ve got plenty of books in my library that I haven’t read just sitting there! So this year in 2024, it’s time for me to become a book lover again. If you’ve got any great book recommendations, I’m all ears! Let me know down in the comments 😀 Also, I’m curious – would you guys be interested in book reviews on this blog?

Other random resolutions? Save up to buy my first car, maintain a proper skincare routine, and try to travel more! There are so many places I want to visit around the world, and I’ve slowly began to realize that now is the best time to do it. So (hopefully) there’ll be some fun trips and vacations in 2024!

And obviously, each year I try to make it a goal to post more often and more consistently. Ever since I started working a full time job, it’s been a bit difficult finding the right time and balance, but trust me, I’m still working on it! Of course, even if I’m not uploading, just know that I’m still enjoying movies just as much as I always have. 🙂

All in all, since last year was all about job searching and starting my professional career, I’m focusing this year on me and individual growth. I’m going to discover new hobbies (oh yeah, I want to learn how to crochet as well! I got a kit for Christmas so I’m excited to learn), build up my blog, and take care of my body. Here’s to looking forward to 2024! What are some of your New Years resolutions? If you’ve got any I’d love to hear them!